Our Mission

Prepared's mission is to be public safety's most assistive technology. We do this by introducing and rapidly analyzing data to empower 911 telecommunicators, fully inform first responders, and provide citizens with the fastest, most effective service to save more lives.
American public safety sits at a crossroads. Raging staffing crises, agnostic to badge or flag, increasingly complex working environments, and a fragmented, rigid operating ecosystem have forced our responders well beyond the call of duty and placed communities in harm’s way.

Every level of emergency response is strained and stretched to capacity, limited further by frequently outdated tools and left reliant on less-than-ideal information as a result.

Where technology has advanced to solve even the most basic of consumer challenges, our public safety professionals have been long forgotten, left behind amidst exponential growth in every other major industry.
At Prepared, our aim is to ensure that reality rapidly becomes a notion of the past. Those working to keep our communities save deserve to have access to the best technology - not just the best technology available to them, the best technology. Period.

Our Values

Olympian Mindset

We strive every day to be the best at what we do. To reach that, we cultivate a hunger for continuous improvement, embrace a growth mindset, sustain high effort, and believe in our collective ability to achieve the improbable.


We obsess over understanding our customers' problems and are determined to solve them with relentless passion and ingenuity.

We Over Me

Our success depends on teamwork. We are obsessive about collaborating, supporting each other, and helping one another improve and grow. Nothing worthwhile is accomplished alone.

Lifelong Community

We build lifelong relationships with our teammates and customers. These relationships are non-transactional and are grounded in trust, transparency and mutual growth.

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