
Why Delaware County chose Prepared Assist

Over the next month, with NENA 2024 on the horizon, we'll share insights from agencies using Prepared Assist's powerful assistive AI, explaining why they believe the platform can be an effective tool for their PSAP.

Last week, we asked Pitkin County (CO) and leader Brad Flanagan. He told us he’d focused on the platform’s ability to assist his young telecommunicators, its fit within the agency’s workflow, and that its features fit within a single interface.

This week, we’ll share insights from Delaware County (PA). Here’s what their leadership and staff said about why they chose Prepared Assist.

Powerful AI, Powerful Insights

“[AI Insights] are really, really accurate…we’ve been really impressed, from the call-takers to the dispatchers to the tech team to really seems like the next big thing. It eliminates that tension between dispatchers and call-takers, I don’t have to have them yell over and say ‘What is this?’, the [information] is already there.” - Anthony Mignogna, Chief of Commnunications

Prepared Assist automatically transcribes call audio in real-time. Insights, powered by AI, use transcribed audio to highlight and distinguish key pieces of information for the telecommunicator so that they can quickly disseminate that information directly to responders in the field.

Chief Mignogna and Delaware County have seen success in this functionality as it reduces information friction within the PSAP itself.

Centralized tools

“We have new tools coming into the 911 center every day. Every time there’s a new tool that comes in, there’s a new portal to login to, a new computer sitting at a work station. What Prepared Assist has done is essentially take all of those tools and put them into one platform. It allows us to see location data in real-time, translate in real-time, and it allows the call-taker to…have a head’s up display in front of them that shows them what they’re saying and what the caller’s saying. In previous times, we would have to look at three or four different screens to be able to accomplish these types of tasks.” - Steve Castellanos, 911 Systems Manager

Prepared Assist centralizes mission-critical capabilities on a single screen, ensuring telecommunicators don't have to worry about significant disruptions to their workflow in order to reap the benefits of the platform.

A tool for every call

“I use audio transcription on all of my calls. I don’t have to second guess, I can look within a second and  see the screen and acknowledge what [the caller] is saying with what I’m hearing and put it all into [CAD].” - Raquel Lewandoski, Call-taker

Call audio transcription gives the telecommunicator a live view of what's being said by the caller and themselves. If the caller gave an address, a location, or even a suspect description,earlier in the call, the telecommunicator simply has to scroll back up to find it, rather than repeating their question.

Additionally, AI insights recognizes these key pieces of information and highlights them so that the telecommunicator can see the essential facts separate from the real-time transcript.

AI has arrived in 9-1-1 and agencies like Delaware County are demonstrating how it can help centers operate more efficiently and drive better outcomes for their communities.

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